Fast Evictions in Alberta

Fast, Reliable and Cost Effective Evictions in Alberta Edmonton Eviction Service Inc. was formed by industry professionals and is positioned to help you and/or your property manager to take control of a cash-flow problem, and remove or re-train the cause (a bad or non-performing tenant) so you can move forward. We will represent you, as […]

Benefits of Landlord-Tenant Mediation

Psychological Benefits of Resorting to Landlord-Tenant Mediation As a landlord, going through disputes with your tenant is one of the more difficult situations to be in. It can cause you a great deal of anxiety especially if you finally decide to go through a formal process of settling your issues. While going to court is […]

Landlord Forms in Alberta

Landlord Forms Must-Haves for People in the Property Business In order for any business to run smoothly and professionally, everything should be documented or recorded. It is quite easy to deny agreeing with certain requirements if the understanding has been made verbally. That is why it is always best in business to put all agreements […]

Eviction notice Alberta

Eviction Notice Alberta A tenancy agreement is the most important safeguard against long-term difficulties with renters and the law. This is the landlords’ duty to take the time and sit down with their prospective tenants to go over the lease agreement. In order to avoid false impressions, a landlord mustn’t presume that the renter has read […]

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